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The Italian Supreme Court on Article 67 of Italian Law No 218/95 in the matter of recognition of foreign judgm

18/06/2023 11:25



The Italian Supreme Court on Article 67 of Italian Law No 218/95 in the matter of recognition of foreign judgment in Italy

The Italian Supreme Court on Article 67 of Italian Law No 218/95 in the matter of recognition of foreign judgment in Italy

The Italian Supreme Court, by judgment No 15023/23, published on 29 May 2023, confirmed that the application for recognition of a foreign judgment in Italy, pursuant to Article 67 of Italian Law No 218/95, is not an introductory application for a judgment of knowledge for the establishment of a right, but an independent action, tending to a purely procedural decision. Consequently, that application shall not cause the interruption of the limitation period, pursuant to Article 2943(1) of Italian Civil Code.

For the text of the sentence click here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


Marco Sposini

Avvocato - Studio Legale Sardo - Milano 

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Italian International Lawyers





Via San Giovanni sul Muro, 18, 20121, MILAN (MI) c / o Studio Legale Cocuzza & Associati