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Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of 24 February 2023: Cross-border insolvency and free movement of businesses

18/02/2025 11:43



Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of 24 February 2023: Cross-border insolvency and free movement of businesses in the European Union

24 February 2023: Cross-border insolvency and free movement of businesses in the European Union

24 February 2023: Cross-border insolvency and free movement of businesses in the European Union - Forum Shopping and fundamental freedoms

10.00 Greetings

AVV. PAOLO VERMIGLIO, President of the Messina Bar Association
PROF. FRANCESCO ASTONE, Director of the Law Department
PROF. CONCETTA PARRINELLO, Coordinator of the Doctorate in Juridical Sciences PROF. AVV. ROBERTA CLERICI, Coordinator of the International Chamber


PROF. MARCELLA DISTEFANO, University of Messina

10.20 Collaboration between judicial authorities in the EU

PROF. AVV. ORESTE PALLOTTA, University of Palermo

11.00 Illegal transfers of registered offices
PROF. AVV. DARIO LATELLA, University of Messina

11.40 Concludes

PROF. GRAZIA VITALE, University of Messina

12.10 Debate and coffee

To follow the conference online, this is the Zoom link:

To obtain training credits (both face-to-face and online), Lawyers must book participation using this link:

The event was accredited by:

Council of the Order of Lawyers of Messina for n. 3 training credits Department of Law of the University of Messina

To view the event flyer , click here .

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Italian International Lawyers





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