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Copy of The Italian Supreme Court on the Convention between Italy and Tunisia of 15 November 1967 on recognit

06/09/2023 19:02



Copy of The Italian Supreme Court on the Convention between Italy and Tunisia of 15 November 1967 on recognition of judgments

The Italian Supreme Court on the Convention between Italy and Tunisia of 15 November 1967 on recognition of judgments

The Italian Supreme Court on the Convention between Italy and Tunisia of 15 November 1967 on recognition of judgments

The Italian Supreme Court, by order No 10307/23, published on 18 April 2023, confirmed that, pursuant to Article 3(1)(b) of the Convention between Italy and Tunisia of 15 November 1967 on mutual assistance in civil, commercial and criminal matters, a decision cannot be recognized in the other State, if the defendant – not located in the territory of the State in which the judgment was given – has been assigned a period of appearance of less than 90 days, even if the defendant has lodged a defence.

For the text of the sentence click here

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